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Press Release about Studies
Press Release Available (French version) " Efficacité de la prise en charge des patients et efficience du système de soins : Il est primordial de renforcer les synergies entre Industriels et institutions de recherche et de soins..... "
Read more (pdf file).... Download the video of the Meeting introduction Redefining relationships between Research & Care Institutions and the Health Industry : The CWHCP has launched a study to identify opportunities to optimise relationships between Academic/Care institutions and the Health Industry to provide additional benefits to the patients and improve the global efficiency of the health system. Study objectives : - Understand best practices, - Describe opportunities for institutions and industry to develop tighter cooperation throughout the value chain : - Basic, translational and clinical research, - Medical Education, - Prevention, - Screening, - Patient Education - Patient Treatment... Scientific Board : - Expert clinicians : Pr Michèle KESSLER (nephrologist), Pr Jean-Yves BLAY (Oncologist). - Hospital Pharmacists : Pr Philippe ARNAUD , Pr. Patrick RAMBOURG , Pr. Samuel LIMAT. - Corporate and affiliate Managers in the health industry : Dorothée FURON. - President of the Association of HealthCare Professionals : Dr. Valery LABONNE. - Strategy Consultant in HealthCare : Hervé DREVOT. Methodology Face to Face interviews with : - experts from research and care institutions, - regulators & payers, - patient groups, - health industry executives. Restitution Summary of the study will be shared with participants to the study Conference / Round table : January 17th, 2011 from 12 am to 3 pm - Paris.
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